Woe to Ariel (Jerusalem): Isaiah 29:1-24


Isaiah 29:1-24

I. Ariel = Lion of God = Jerusalem (vs. 1-16)
   a. What clue do we see in verse 1 that helps us know Ariel is Jerusalem?
   b. What is intended with the phrases “add year to year” and “let feasts come
    around”, in the context of the coming judgment against Jerusalem?

   c. Who will distress Ariel?

   d. How will the city be breached?

   e. When Jerusalem does fall, what will be the attitude of the people then?
      How is this symbolized by their “speaking out of the dust?”

   f. Despite the multitudes of foes that have and will distress Jerusalem,
    ultimately what will be the lasting effects of their ill efforts? (vs. 7-8)
   g. For all the details revealed about the coming judgment on Jerusalem and
    the very simple remedy (repentance), why can’t the people see or understand?

   h. Jesus quotes this passage (vs. 13) about the religious leaders during His
    earthly ministry. For all their lip service, where were their hearts?

III. They Will Hallow…The Holy One of Jacob (vs 17-24)
   a. How are verses 17-19 fulfilled in Jesus’ ministry… explained to John the
    Baptist in Matthew 11:5?

   b. Clearly the last part of this passage takes a giant step forward when the
    evil are cut off. What will become of God’s people then?

   c. Who is the Holy One of Jacob that will be hallowed in that day?

   d. When will these last things come to pass?

Application: Has God cast away His people, Jacob? ________ What has their
disobedience meant for the Gentiles? (Romans 11:28-32)


