
Watch Live on Youtube


Please join us live online, Sunday morning at 10:30 AM! Click the picture to go to our Youtube streaming page. If you missed a week, catch up on what you missed by watching the saved services.


Regular Schedule

Sunday Mornings:
  9:00 AM    Sunday School for all ages
10:30 AM    Worship Service (Nursery provided
                  for kids under 4)
  6:00 PM    Evening Service

Wednesday Evenings:
  6:00 PM    Adult Bible Study and Prayer
                  Youth and Kid's Mission Groups for
                  all ages

Thursdays at Noon:
                  Men's Soup and Bible Study

Saturdays at 6 PM:
Young Adult Study and Fellowship


We have a potluck/fellowship meal on the first Sunday of each month. There are no evening services on Sundays with a potluck meal.