Without Fruit: Jude 12-16


Jude 12-16

I. Self Serving (vs. 12-13)
       *spots = (gr) spilas = hidden reef or rock
   a. Looking back to vs. 4, Jude describes these men in more detail. What is
       the danger of a hidden reef?

   b. What is he saying about them being present in their love feasts?

   c. Verses 12 & 13 offer examples from nature. What is the point of each of
       these examples?


II. Impending Judgment (vs 14-15)
   a. Jude is speaking of end-times events. Whom does he cite as having also
       prophesied about these events?

   b. What is in store for those who reject Christ?

   c. Who does Jude say that Enoch prophesied would come with the Lord?
   d. What word is used 4 times in verse 15, and what is the significance?

III. Grumblers (vs. 16)
   a. Where else in Scripture do you see “grumblers” (murmurers) ?
       Exodus 15/16

   b. Compare this verse with Philippians 2:14-16. See any similarities or

   c. Ultimately these men only serve whom?


Application: How will we avoid shipwreck on “hidden reefs?