We Have Waited for You: Isaiah 33:1-24


Isaiah 33:1-24/ 2 Kings 18 & 19

I. The Fear of the Lord is His Treasure (vs. 1-9)
   a. Chapter 33 has the Assyrian invasion under Sennacherib, king of Assyria
    and its threat to Jerusalem. It also presents the repentance and reform
    under King Hezekiah (2 Kings 18 & 19), and the Lord’s deliverance. Who is
    about to fall under God’s judgment in vs. 1?

   b. Instead of trusting in Egypt, Who did the people now trust for

   c. Who can stand against the Lord’s indignation?

   d. Verses 7-9 paint the picture of the current events and describe the wide-
    spread devastation wrote by the Assyrians. Why could Assyria not prevail
    over Jerusalem?


II. Acknowledge My Might (vs. 10-16)
   a. With Assyria on Jerusalem’s threshold, we see a major shift. What is it?
   b. When the Lord intervenes, what becomes of the Assyrians’ impressive
    army, technological advantage, and devastating strategy? (vs. 11-12)

   c. What grips those in Jerusalem that were rebellious toward God?

   d. What question is asked in verse 14 that is answered in 15-16?

   e. Conversely, who will not dwell with “the devouring fire?” _

III. A Peaceful Habitation (vs. 17-24)
   a. Verse 17…Imperfect, partial fulfillment saw king Hezekiah restored to his
    royal prime. Perfect, future fulfillment will be Whom and when?
    (John 17:24)

   b. What promise in verse 19 may seem too good to be true in light of the
    danger of Assyria?

   c. Verse 21-24 reveal that the victory will be by Whom alone? _

   d. How are the inhabitants of Jerusalem portrayed at the end of verse 23
     that “take the prey” (Assyrian army)?


Application: How is chapter 33 a proof of Proverbs 3:5-6?
Should we still trust God over every adversary?

