Jude 1-11
I. Contend Earnestly for the Faith (vs. 1-4)
a. How does Jude describe himself?
b. To whom does he address his letter?
c. What is the "common salvation" he writes about?
d. What is the purpose of his letter?
e. What is his warning?
f. Do we still have to be aware of this today?
II. God Knows Who are His (vs. 5-7)
a. Which of the Children of Israel died in the wilderness and why?
b. What was the proper domain of the angels?
c. What was the sin that caused God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?
d. What is Jude's point in these examples?
III. Woe to Them (vs. 8-11)
a. The false prophets are revealed by what? (vs. 8)
b. Does Jude indicate we have the authority to rebuke Satan?
c. What has happened to pretenders of faith in the past, and what will
happen to them in the future?
Application: Jude's message is that Christians should not be naïve. How will we know those who are really Christians?