Until the Spirit is Poured Upon Us: Isaiah 32:1-20


Isaiah 32:1-20

I. Future Hope (vs. 1-8)
   a. Isaiah contrasts this future righteous king with the current unrighteous
    leaders in Isaiah 28:14-15, 29:15. How do they differ?

   b. Even the leaders during the millennial rein of Christ will be helpful. What
    phrases in vs. 2 illustrate this?

   c. How are verses 3-4 a reversal of the ministry Isaiah presently had?
    (Isaiah 6:9-11)

   d. There will not be any deception during the millennial reign. The fool and
    evil shall be evident and perish, but what of the generous/noble person?

II. What Happens in the Meantime? (vs. 9-14)
   a. “At ease” and “complacent” in verses 9-11 use the same Hebrew words
     as “quiet and secure” in verse 18. What makes it negative in the first, yet
     positive in the latter?

   b. What are these complacent women instructed to do?

   c. What kind of timeline is offered as to when the Assyrian invasion will take

   d. What will be the state of the land until the Lord intervenes?

III. A Peaceful Habitation (vs. 15-20)
   a. What will transform in the heart of the people and the land?

   b. What will the living conditions be in that day?

   c. Although Jerusalem will learn humility through adversity, what is the
    picture afterward?


Application: If Jesus is the Righteous King in verse 1, and it is speaking of His Millennial reign, who are the “princes”, and what is their role?

