Thessalonica and Berea:August 29, 2024


Acts 17:1-15

I. Thessalonica (vs. 1-9)
   a. What did Thessalonica have that is not mentioned in the other cities Paul
   and Silas pass through?

   b. How do we know Paul is still first trying to preach Christ to the Jews while
    not neglecting the Gentiles?

   c. What sources was Paul using to present his argument that Jesus was the
     Christ, and had to suffer and die as He did?

   d. What was the response toward Paul’s preaching and teaching?

   e. Was the reaction the same from everyone in the synagogue?

   f. For those opposed to what Paul was teaching, what did they do about it?
   g. Why did the mob come to Jason’s house?

   h. When they could not locate Paul and Silas, who do they focus on?
   i. Did Jason’s support of Paul and Silas cost him anything? _


II. Berea (vs. 10-15)
   a. Paul, having been hastily sent out of Thessalonica, makes his way to
     Berea. How is Berea like Thessalonica?

   b. How were the Bereans different than the Thessalonians?

   c. For the Berean’s careful search of the Scriptures, what was their finding?

   d. In a place that was fair-minded and willing to search the Scriptures and
     come away believing, what could possibly go wrong?

   e. The brethren immediately send Paul away. Why may it not have been so
     necessary for Timothy and Silas to leave with as much urgency?

III. Application: When we hear something “ new”, do we tend to be more
like the Thessalonians or Bereans? Which one should we emulate and how?


