Jude 17-25
I. In the Last Time (vs. 17-19)
a. In what context of time does Jude make reference to the apostles of the
Lord Jesus Christ?
b. Why is this an important point?
c. What did the apostles warn the early church that they would face in the
last days?
d. Do we see things like this today? What should we make
of what we see?
II. But You, Beloved (vs. 20-23)
a. What personal investment are we to make in our own Christian Walk?
b. What does it mean to “pray” in the Holy Spirit?
c. Who makes the distinction in how we respond to people with the gospel?
d. In witnessing, does one size fit all?
III. Benediction (vs. 24-25)
a. What wonderful assurances do you see in Jude’s closing blessing?
b. Jude ascribes praise to God for His glorious attributes. What does he list?
c. Considering the conflict Jude wrote about, why is it a comfort to Jude to
end his letter this way?
Application: How does knowing the truth set you free?