Isaiah 17: 1-14
I. Damascus and Ephraim (vs. 1-6)
a. What does it mean for Syria that Damascus the prominent city in Syria will cease?
b. Who built the cities of Aroer? (Numbers 32:34)
c. The Assyrian invasion and resultant devastation will also spoil what other nation along with Syria?
d. What “glory” will both Syria and Israel share?_
e. How do 2 Kings 15:29 and 16:9 state this all plays out?
f. What will be left?
II. Humbled (vs. 7-9)
a. What will be the response of those not destroyed by the invasion?
b. Where will Israel no longer look for answers or help?
c. What will be left of Israel?
III. You Have Forgotten the God of Your Salvation (vs. 10-14)
a. What reason does God declare this judgment has come upon Israel?
b. How much good will result from Israel’s hard work? Is there a connection
to Haggai 1:6?
c. Although Assyria is chiefly used to invade Syria and Israel what will be the response of the other nations?
d. How will God respond to the nations that rush to spoil Israel?
Application: Why must we never forget the God of our salvation and the Rock of our refuge?