Sennacherib's Boast: Isaiah 36:1-22


Isaiah 36:1-22

I. At Jerusalem (vs. 1-7)
   a. How effective were the fortified cities of Judah in standing against
    Sennacherib, king of Assyria?

   b. Rabshakeh was the title of the chief military officer. Why would he have
    been sent and not Sennacherib himself?

   c. Who came out to meet the Rabshakeh from Jerusalem?

   d. What would cause the Rabshakeh to speak of “confidence” on the part of
    the king of Judah in Jerusalem?

   e. Where did Assyria assume Jerusalem was counting on help coming from?
   f. Were the Assyrians afraid of Egypt?

   g. What about the Lord? Were the Assyrians afraid of the God of Judah?

II. “Do Not Let Hezekiah Deceive You” (vs. 8-22)
   a. In what way were the Jews taunted in verse 8?

   b. What evidence does the Rabshakeh offer to try to unsettle the Jews?
   c. Why did the Jewish delegation want the communication to be in Aramaic?
   d. Who were the people warned not to listen to?

   e. Who were the Assyrians crediting with the success of their military

   f. How did the delegation return to Hezekiah?

Application: There are sometimes circumstances that try to shake our confidence in the Lord. What can we do to remember God is above every circumstance, and that we need to steadfastly rely on Him?


