Saul Preaches Christ:April 18,2024


Acts 9:20-30

I. Immediately (vs. 20-25)
   a. After his conversion, how long did it take for Saul to preach Christ?

   b. Where does Saul start preaching Christ?

   c. What was the theme of his message? 

   d. Why were the people amazed by Saul’s message?

   e. Was Saul convincing in his preaching that Jesus is the Christ?

   f. Why is it important to note the phrase “proving that Jesus IS the Christ”
   not that Jesus was the Christ?

   g. When the Jews could not “kill” the message preached by Saul, what
   did they plot to do?

   h. How did Saul escape the plot of the Jews?


II. Saul Back in Jerusalem (vs. 26-30)
   a. When Saul returned to Jerusalem, what did he try to do?
   b. Why were the disciples reluctant to welcome Saul?

   c. What role did Barnabas play in connecting Saul and the believers in

   d. What evidence does Barnabas offer that made the difference?

   e. Was Saul more cautious about his preaching in Jerusalem?

   f. Was Saul’s reception better in Jerusalem among the Jews than it was in

   g. Why would the brethren bring Saul to Caesarea and then send him to
    Tarsus? (Acts 21:39)


III. Application: Barnabas, whose name means “son of encouragement”,
encouraged Saul when no one else believed he was a believer. Saul (Paul) goes on to be used by God tremendously for the Gospel. How can we
purposefully encourage others, and is this still a need in the church today?


