Rebellious Children: Isaiah 30:1-17


Isaiah 30:1-17

I. Down to Egypt (vs. 1-7)
   a. Who were the rebellious children mentioned here and what was the
  nature of their rebellion?

   b. Clearly, God’s people knew they needed help. The saying goes that the
   first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem What was the problem
   with their plans and sources of advice?

   c. “Shadow” in verse 2, speaks of protection…like a child not fearing a bully
   because his big brother is there. Why was Egypt a vain hope?

   d. Verses 4-5 speak of the princes and ambassadors of Egypt coming and
   being ashamed of the Jews. Why?

   e. Isaiah speaks an oracle against the beasts that would carry Judah’s
   treasure to Egypt. What hazards awaited them?

   f. By what name did God refer to Egypt?
   This name literally means Rahab (Egypt) sits idle.

II. Write This Down (vs 8-17)
   a. As a proof to the hardness of their hearts, what does God tell Isaiah to

   b. They were not going go listen or heed now, but what purpose would this
   recording serve?

   c. What causes a person to not want to hear truthful teaching and preaching
   but only wants smooth (easy/happy) messages even if they are deceitful?
   d. How will Judah’s sin be like a “bulge” in a high wall?

   e. Is there hope for Judah? _________ If so, what will it take?

   f. What happens to the majority put to flight by fear? __________________
      How is the remnant described?


Application: Are we ever tempted to trust in something other than God?

What in this passage, tells us all such trust is misplaced?

