Acts 10:24-48
I. Waiting (vs. 24-33)
a. What actions of faith are demonstrated in verse 24 from; Peter? Cornelius?
b. How did Cornelius respond to Peter when he arrived?
c. How did Peter respond?
d. Peter states that it is unlawful for him to enter the house of a Gentile.
Why does he do it?
e. Comparing notes about his own experience, what do you think becomes
clear to both men?
II. Peter Preaches Christ (vs. 34-43)
a. How does Peter’s statement in verses 34-36 show God has opened his
mind to a new concept?
b. How is Jesus central to Peter’s message?
c. What elements of the Gospel message does Peter preach?
d. What proof does Peter offer to the validity of his message?
e. What summary statement in verse 43 brings his message to the point of
III. Received the Holy Spirit (vs. 44-48)
a. While Peter was still preaching, what happened with Cornelius and all who
heard the Word? _
b. Was it clear that Cornelius and the others were truly saved?
c. Why does Peter include the other believers who accompanied him to
Caesarea in the decision to baptize Cornelius and company? _
IV. Application: This marks a new beginning where the Gospel goes to the
Gentiles also. Was this “new” or intended from the beginning?
(see Isaiah 49:6)