Paul Before Festus:


Acts 25:1-27

I. Paul Appeals to Caesar (vs 1-12)
   a. How long does it take Festus to make his way to Jerusalem after he
    comes to power?

   b. Paul has now been imprisoned in Caesarea for two years... have the
    elders and chief priests forgotten about him? _

   c. What is their petition to Festus all about?

   d. While he stayed in Jerusalem for more than 10 days, verse 6 states he
     remained “among them”. Who are the “them?”

   e. When Festus returns to Caesarea, how long does it take to call for Paul
    and why the urgency now?

   f. Did the Jews offer any proof of their accusations?

   g. What would have motivated Festus to seek to move the venue of Paul’s
     judgement to Jerusalem?

   h. Was Paul afraid of dying?

   i. How does Paul derail the Jews’ (and Festus’) plan to get Paul in

   j. As a Roman citizen what appeal trumped all other questions?

   k. Why MUST Paul go to Rome? (Luke 23:11) _


II. Felix Presents Paul’s Case to King Agrippa (vs. 13-27)
   a. Is Festus quick to bring up Paul’s case to Agrippa?

   b. Why does he bring this case before Agrippa?

   c. Did Festus believe Paul had done anything deserving death?

   d. Does Festus seem surprised that Paul would not want to be tried in
     Jerusalem? ___________Why was Paul adamant that he not be tried in

   e. Who is present when Agripa hears Paul’s case?

   f. What does Festus hope to get out of this meeting?


III. Application: Paul has now been imprisoned for more than two years and
    has only had limited opportunities to plead his case. What do you think
    Paul does with his time and how can you support what you think?


