Paul Before Agrippa:


Acts 26:1-23

I. Pre-Conversion (vs. 1-11)
   a. As Paul had already appealed to Ceasar was this audience with Agrippa
     for Paul’s sake or Festus? (Acts 25:24-27)

   b. Why does Paul say he is happy to answer Agrippa about the accusations
    the Jews have charged him?

   c. Where does Paul begin his defenses?

   d. Does Paul attest that from his earliest days, the Jews in Jerusalem knew

   e. How does Paul describe his relationship with the Jews and how did he
     serve their interests?

   f. Does Paul blame the Jews for his actions?

   g. In verses 6-8, what does Paul say is the underlying reason the Jews
     accuse him?


II. Conversion (vs 12-18)
   a. As Paul recounts his Damascus Road experience, does he omit any  

   b. Who commissioned Paul to go to Damascus?

   c. Who does the Lord tell ‘Saul’ he is persecuting?

   d. In verses 17-18 we see the Lord commissioning Paul to do what?


III. Post-Conversion (vs 19-23)
   a. What was Paul’s response to the heavenly vision?

   b. In what order (locations/peoples) does Paul preach Christ?

   c. What was the content of his message?

   d. How does verse 23 compare to Isaiah 49:6?


IV. Application: How is Paul’s defense an example of what Peter states in
   1 Peter 3:15?
   Can we do these very same things?

