No Peace For The Wicked: Isaiah 57:1-21


Isaiah 57:1-21

I. Peace for the Righteous (vs. 1-2)
   a. What is the point in verses 1-2 about the righteous and merciful men
     dying and no one taking notice?

   b. What is the important distinction about what happens after he dies?

   c. What contrast is presented between Psalm 73:4-17 and Isaiah 57:1-2?


II. Futility of Idol Worship (vs. 3-13)
   a. In contrast to the righteous, what other kind of people do we find in

   b. Verses 5-13 reveal the nature of the people’s sin. What is it?

   c. The references in verse 5 to “slaying the children in the valleys”
     pertain to the pagan worship of Molech. Who does 2 Corinthians 33:1, 6
     indicate was also participating in this abomination?

   d. Baal worship and the Canaanite religious practices enslaved the people
     through the sexual nature of their rituals. What language in the passage
     points to this as an ongoing problem?

   e. In the end, what hope is found in idolatry?


III. Healing (vs. 14-21)
   a. Verses 14-21 paint a picture of repentance, restoration, and healing.
     What stumbling block needed to be removed so that the people would

   b. Who does this passage say the Lord dwells with?

   c. What is the Lord’s promise to those who respond to His discipline with


Application: The wicked will not experience peace at all. Not in this life, because no material possession or money can bring peace, and apart from the Lord, there is no peace. When do believers experience the Lord’s peace?





