Isaiah 56:1-12
I. Blessed is the Man Who Does This (vs. 1-2)
a. What characteristics were the people to hold to?
b. In what way was the Lord’s “salvation about to come and His
righteousness about to be revealed?”
c. How do we know that actions were as important as the ideas the Lord
was calling His people to observe?
d. What would a true observance of the Sabbath reveal about God’s people?
II. Eunuchs and Sons of Foreigners (vs. 3-8)
a. What categories of people are excluded from the Lord’s house even in
the sight of the Lord?
b. What heritage is promised even to the eunuch who does what is right in
the sight of the Lord?
c. Who does the son of the foreigner represent in this passage?
d. What makes the offerings and sacrifices acceptable to the Lord?
(Genesis 4:6-7)
e. Who is the Lord’s house, the house of prayer, open to?
III. His Watchman? (vs. 9-12)
a. The Lord extends an invitation to “all the bests of the field and forest” to
do what?
b. For what cause does the Lord issue this invitation?
c. How does the Lord describe the leaders (watchman) in Judah?
(Ezekiel 3:16-21)
Application: In the Old Testament, obedience to God’s covenant was shown by a sincere, careful, reverent observance of the Lord’s Sabbath. In what way do believers today show obedience to the Lord that is sincere, careful, and reverent, and does it still matter?