Isaiah 16: 1-14
I. As a Wandering Bird (vs. 1-5)
a. The ancient custom of sending a lamb when appealing to another nation for help was not unusual. Given their rocky past how desperate was the situation that they would appeal to Judah?
b. When the Assyrians overrun Moab what will become of her women?
c. What will Moab ask of Judah?
d. Although there will be a reprieve from destruction Who will ultimately set all things right?
II. The Pride of Moab (vs. 5-12)
a. The word lies in the NKJV in verse 6 is also translated “vain talk.” Why do pride and vain talk follow one another?
b. Who will wail for Moab?
c. Does it seem that Isaiah also is grieved by the destruction of Moab?
d. For all the sorrow over Moab’s destruction will God turn back from His judgment on Moab?
III. Within Three Years (vs. 13-14)
a. After the Assyrians destroy Moab what will be the condition of Moab’s posterity?
b. The pride of Moab was broken by Assyria in three years. The remnant continued on until the 2nd century BC, when they were destroyed by Alexander Jannaeus. They are lost to history after that.
c. Knowing this was God’s judgment against them does actual history track with what God had foretold?
Application: As Isaiah grieves Moab’s destruction symbolically we can see God’s grief for them. How does this relate to Ezekiel 18:23, 33:11?