Miracles: April 25, 2024


Acts 9:31-43

I. Aeneas (vs. 31-35)
   a. Looking back at the events leading up to vs. 31, what can we see
   contributed significantly to the peace and growth of the church?

   b. How does verse 32 connect with Acts 1:8?

   c. What group was Peter specifically going to in Lydda?

   d. What was wrong with Aeneas?

   e. Did Peter specifically go there to heal him, or does it seem a spontaneous
     act when he found him?

   f. Who do you think was responsible for deciding Aeneas needed healing?
    Peter or Someone else?

   g. Is it significant what words Peter spoke in seeing the man healed?
   h. What was the result in Lydda when the man’s healing was known?


II. Tabitha (Dorcas) (vs. 36-43)
   a. What happened that Peter left Lydda?

   b. Why was Peter summoned?

   c. How was Tabitha described, and what were her other positive

   d. What were the people’s expectations?

   e. What did Peter do and say?

   f. What do you think happened to the mourners when Tabitha was
    presented alive?

   g. What happened in Joppa as a result of this miracle?


III. Application: The miracles were not ends but means to a greater purpose.
What was the greater purpose, and was it effective?


