Judaizers Trouble the Church: July 25, 2024


Acts 15:1-29

I. The Judaizers Come Down from Judea (vs. 1-2)
   a. Did the certain Jews that came down from Judea believe in Jesus?

   b. What was wrong with their theological position?

   c. Who disputed their position and on what basis?

   d. When they could not come to an agreement, what do they
    determine they should do?


II. The Jerusalem Council (vs. 3-21)
   a. Was it significant that not only Paul and Barnabas go to the
    Apostles and elders?

   b. As they went up to Jerusalem, were they silent about what God
    had done? __________ How was this word received?

   c. Did the Judaizers who had come to Antioch, have a voice in

   d. Which of the Apostles weights in on the discussion with personal

   e. What one word in verse 11 is a unifying word? _

   f. What is James’ closing argument after listening to all sides?


III. The Councils Decree (vs 22-29)
   a. Once the council was in agreement, what was the mood of the whole

   b. Why did the Apostles send others back with the Antioch delegation?
   c. Did the council accept some responsibility for upsetting the church in

   d. What did they exhort the Gentile believers to do?

   e. Was the decision solely that of the council, or do they recognize a
    more important authority in decision?


IV. Application: How does the test of “grace” still hold believers in unity
but divisive away from grace bring strife and disunity?

