In That Day: Isaiah 27:1-13


Isaiah 27:1-13

I. His Severe Sword (vs. 1)
   a. Some see these “Leviathan” references as picturing Assyria, Babylon, and 
    Egypt…But given the repeated use of “in that day” vs. 1 and vs. 2a longer
    view is likely. In Revelation 12-13, there is reference to the antichrist, the
    false prophet, and the beast. (Satan’s unholy trinity). With the end times
    restoration of Israel vs. 2-13m the latter seems more likely.

   b. What is indicated the Lord will do to these?

   c. What sword does the Lord wield in these last days?


II. Israel, God’s Vineyard (vs. 2-13)
   a. How is the reference to Isarel “the vine” different here than in
    Isaiah 5:1-7?

   b. What will the Lord do for His people in this time?

   c. Will anyone be able to keep the lord from His people?

   d. What is the difference between how the Lord stuck the enemies of Israel
    and how He struck Israel?

   e. In what ways will the Lord’s presence cause Israel to bloom and bring
    forth fruit?

   f. How will the Jews be gathered back to Israel and for what purpose?

   g. What will be thankfully missing from the land in that day? (vs. 9b)

   h. What will become of man’s achievements and system in that day?

   i. What will happen when the great trumpet is sounded?


Application: The passage begins with God’s judgment on Stan and concludes with Israel worshipping Him. Where is the church when this is taking place?


