This time every year, we write a list of Imaginings: things we would like to see God at work in over the coming year. The idea of Imaginings stems from Ephesians 3:20-21:
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
We began this tradition when we got married in 2014; I think our Pastor preached from Ephesians the last Sunday of 2013 and proposed the idea to our church. So Allen and I ran with it! Every year, we have seen God do much more and far greater than we had anticipated. He has used this process immensely in preparing us for and guiding us into His plan for our lives.
And we’ve started inviting other people to Imagine things, too. In fact, this Saturday, our Sunday School class is coming to our house for an Imaginings Party.
Today, we want to share the process for developing Imaginings, in case others would like to do so, too.
What you’ll need:
- Some time to think and reflect (we developed the worksheet below to help guide you with that part; it’s the questions we think about ourselves)
- Something on which to record your Imaginings (we use an 8 x 10 inch white canvas)
- A permanent marker (or several if you want to use different colors)
- Coffee or tea (because everything is better with a hot drink)
We really encourage you to do this with your spouse or a trusted friend. They can help you see things differently, encourage you throughout the year, and hold you accountable where necessary.
Okay, so here’s what you do:
Start with prayer, then begin reflecting on the past year and where life is now. What did God do in your life? How did He move unexpectedly? What needs did you have or do you have currently? How has He already started guiding you for this year? What dreams and plans has He given you?
Write them down. All of the things that come to your mind, write then down.
Then try to categorize them. Do you see any themes? Any commonalities? Any that stick out more than others?
For example, maybe you wrote down that you want to fully fund your emergency fund, start budgeting, and save for a down payment on a house. Those are huge and awesome financial goals! But maybe your Imagining is to experience financial freedom. As you work towards those three specific goals under the leading of the Holy Spirit, He may have other lessons to teach you that would bring true freedom from financial stress and worry, besides having money in the bank.
After we’ve settled on the wording, we write our Imaginings down. We always write down the year and reference Ephesians 3:20, too. Allen and I usually strive to identify 5-10 Imaginings.
And then, we hang the Imaginings up in our room. Right now, we have the last four years’ worth hanging right by our bedroom door. Some of them have come to fruition. Some haven’t. But as we have submitted them to God, we have seen Him move.
Take time throughout the year to read your Imaginings and pray about them. Submit them to God and follow His leading.
If you develop some Imaginings this year, we’d love to hear about it! Tell us about your process, what the Lord brings to your mind, and how you see Him working in your life.
Let’s all Imagine big things this year, friends, knowing that God can do even more than that.