Acts 9:1-19
I. The Road to Damascus (vs. 1-9)
a. Who is Saul “breathing threats and murder” against?
b. Why would Saul go all the way to Damascus to persecute believers?
( Acts 8:1)
c. In what way wee Saul’s actions “official”, and who sanctioned them?
d. What happened to Saul as he neared Damascus?
e. Who does the Lord state Saul is persecuting, and how is this different
from verse 1?
f. Did everyone with Saul experience the same thing as Saul?
II. Ananias (vs. 10-16)
a. What do we know about Ananias?
b. What does the Lord tell Ananias to do?
c. Does Ananias immediately obey without question?
d. What reason does the Lord offer for why Ananias must obey?
e. What aspect of Saul’s conversion and ministry would prove difficult?
III. Brother Saul (vs. 17-19)
a. What does Ananias do in response to the Lord’s word?
b. How is there a contrast in Ananias’ description of Saul in vs. 13-14 and
his words to Saul in vs. 17?
c. What manifestation accompanied Ananias’ prayer demonstrating real
d. What physical event took place at the same time, and what spiritual
symbolism may be revealed with it?
IV. Application: In what way could we also declare “I was blind but now I see?”