Hezekiah Prayed to the Lord: Isaiah 37:1-20


Isaiah 37:1-20

I. Sackcloth and Prayer (vs. 1-7)
   a. What was Hezekiah’s reaction to Rabshakeh’s threats? _

   b. What was the outward appearance of Eliakim, Shebna, and the elders of
   the priests, and what did this signify?

   c. Who was Hezekiah’s delegation sent to, and what was the purpose?

   d. What di Hezekiah want God to do, and on what basis does he make his

   e. What response does God give through Isaiah?


II. Received the Letter….and Spread it Before the LORD (vs. 8-10)
   a. How quickly did the LORD’s words take effect?

   b. Even though recalled, was the threat completely removed?

   c. How did Sennacherib seek to unsettle Hezekiah?

   d. What was Hezekiah’s response, and what was his motivation?

   e. Who did Hezekiah see Sennacherib’s threat was really against?

   f. What recognition does Hezekiah offer in verses 18-19 that reveals he
    understood the LORD’s previous indictments against His people, and that
    with understanding came repentance?

   g. How does Hezekiah state that the LORD’s help and deliverance would
    impact the kingdoms of the earth? _

Application: How is Hezekiah’s example in this passage of Scripture a great example for any of God’s people that are facing adversity or threats?

