Herod Persecutes the Church:May 30, 2024


Acts 12:1-24

I. The Face of Persecution (vs. 1-4)
   a. After a time of relative peace (Acts 9:31 – 12:1), Herod begins a
   persecution of the church. What does he do?

   b. Why would Herod (Agrippa I) want to please the Jew? (John 19:12)

   c. How do we know that Herod intended to keep Peter securely in

   d. What was Herod’s plan for Peter?


II. Peter’s Incarceration and Release (vs. 5-19)
   a. James murdered, and Peter imprisoned: What is the church doing?
   b. What happened the night before Herod planned to bring Peter before
    the People?

   c. How many details are listed instructing Peter ow to get dressed? Why
    do you think the angel needed to tell Peter to do each of these things?
   d. What miracles are recorded accompanying Peter’s release?

   e. How do you know that Peter was not at all certain that this was real
    but came to understand it was?

   f. Where does Peter go?

   g. Does Peter receive an immediate and warm reception?

   h. We have two “James” mention in this chapter. The first was Peter’s
   former fishing partner and James’ brother. The James mentioned in
   vs. 17 is who?

   i. When Herod could not find Peter, what did he do with the guards?

III. Herod’s Demise (vs. 20-24)
   a. What becomes of Herod Agrippa I?

   b. Why does it seem Luke includes hi gristly death?

   c. How would even this seemingly disconnected death help the word of
    God grow and be multiplied?


IV. Application: When the church is moved to pray urgently and specifically,
    how do we know when to stop

