Future Judgment of the Nations: Isaiah 34:1-17


Isaiah 34:1-17

I. Against All Nations (vs. 1-7)
   a. Who does the prophet call to pay attention to his word?

   b. Who is the Lord’s indignation against?

   c. What is to be the plight of those at war with God / God’s people?

   d. Verse 4 offers some insight into when this will take place (see also
     Revelation 6:12-17). When will it be fulfilled? _

   e. Edom was the historic enemy of Israel and becomes a symbol of every
    nation that has victimized Israel and rebelled against God and His Son. In
    rejecting “the Perfect Sacrifice” for sin, who would pray the penalty for their
    sin? (vs. 6-7) ________________ Is he literally meaning animals in these
    verses, or do you think it is the rebellious people?


II. The Day of the Lord’s Vengeance (vs. 8-17)
   a. How is verse 8 an answer to the question asked in Revelation 6:9-10?
   b. Verses 9-10 are also alluded to in Revelation 14:10-11 in God’s judgment
    on Babylon (world government system united under the antichrist). Who
    was the first to advocate for a “scorched earth” policy in dealing with
    enemies? _

   c. Who would inhabit the nations devoid of people after God’s wrath is
     poured out on them?

   d. As systematically as the promised land was surveyed and divided to the
     tribes of Israel, He would divide Edom to the wild animals. Is it possible
     that this prophesy can be altered or undone?

   e. As Edom was a symbol for all the nations that stand in rebellion against
     God, the judgment is also applicable to all these nations. How does
     Matthew 24:6-14 & Revelation 19:15 show that all nations will side against
     God and His people?


Application: Why does this passage not threaten on single true believer in Jesus Christ?
For those who ask, “What about America in that time?” , what do you say?

