From Caesarea to Malta:


Acts 27:1-44

I. The Voyage Begins (vs, 1-12)
   a. Who decided it was time to send Paul to Rome?

   b. Paul and the other prisoners were delivered to Julius, a Roman centurion.
       Who else is traveling with Paul?

   c. How severely is Paul kept?

   d. By what route (port cities) is Paul taken?

   e. What happens while they are at Fair Havens?

   f. Who does the centurion listen to and what is the plan?

   g. Why did they really not want to stay in Fair Haven?

II. Warning Ignored (vs. 13-38)
   a. What prompted the departure from Fair Havens?

   b. How long does the good weather last?

   c. By day and activity, how desperate was the situation on this vessel?

   d. How bold is Paul in verse 21?

   e. What was Paul’s message in verses 21-26?

   f. In verse 24, what does the phrase “God has granted you all who sail with
     you” infer?

   g. Paul stated that he believed God. What actions of faith demonstrate he
      really did believe God? (Vs 30-31 & 34-35)

III. Shipwrecked on Malta (vs. 39-44)
   a. Why do the soldiers not kill the prisoners? _

   b. How does everyone get to shore?

   c. How many survive the shipwreck?

IV. Application: When we believe God, does it show in the things we do?


