Cornelius:May 2, 2024


Acts 10:1-23

I. Cornelius’ Vision (vs. 1-8)
   a. What does this passage reveal about Cornelius?

   b. What surprise does Cornelius have in verse 3?

   c. What was his response to the vision of the angel?

   d. Why was the angel there?

   e. What message did the angel have for Conelius?

   f. How specific in detail was the angel’s instructions?

   g. What did Cornelius do in response to the vision?


II. Peter’s Vision (vs. 9-16)
   a. Did Peter have his vision the same day as Cornelius?

   b. What time of day did Peter have his vision?

   c. Being lunchtime, is this just a normal hunger or is this an “enhanced”

   d. What is Peter’s vision?

   e. Was this vision about food or something else?

   f. What message did the Lord make sure Peter understood?

   g. Is there any significance in how many times the vision is repeated?

III. The Summons (vs. 17-23)
   a. How close is the timing between Peter’s vision and Cornelius’ delegation
    showing up at Simon the tanner’s house?

   b. How did Peter know to receive and go with these men?

   c. What commendation do the servants offer that validate the Spirit’s
    prompting? _


IV. Application: Does God still move us to reach out to others that are
     different from us?


