Come To Me: Isaiah 55:1-13


Isaiah 55:1-13

I. Ho! Everyone Who Thirsts, Come! (vs. 1-5)
   a. In this open invitation, who is told to come?

   b. How is Matthew 5:6 a good parallel to Isaiah 55:1-2, and what promise
     does it offer?

   c. What is the cost for this spiritual food and drink to those who hunger and

   d. How does verse 3 relate to Romans 10:17?

   e. The Davidic covenant, “the sure mercies of David,” is in view (2 Samuel
     7:16), and points to the Messiah. Going forward, what everlasting
     covenant is being described, and who will it benefit?

II. Seek the Lord (vs. 6-9)
   a. Why is there an urgency expressed in verse 6?

   b. What action on the part of those coming to the Lord, is described in
     verse 7?

   c. When one repents, does the Lord forgive?

   d. Does God think or behave like us?


III. My Word…Shall Not Return Void (vs. 10-13)
   a. Verse 10 uses the meteorological process of rain to relate how He uses
     His word to fulfill His will. How certain is it that it will be effective?

   b. What is a near application of this prophecy that Israel will enjoy?

      What is the future perfect fulfillment of this prophecy?

   c. What connection can we see in verses 12-13 and Romans 8:18-21?


Application: Does the gospel of Jesus Christ fulfill the things written in
Isaiah 55?





