Behold! My Servant: isaiah 42:1-25


Isaiah 42:1-25

*The second half of Isaiah presents The Coming Messiah as the Servant of the Lord in several places (42:1-7, 49:1-7, 50:4-11, and 52:13-52:12). It also presents Israel as the “servant” (41:8-16, 42:18-21, 43:10, 44:1-5, 21) It is important to see the differences.

I. My Elect One (vs. 1-9)
   a. What in verses 1-4, indicates that this is the Messiah? (Matthew 12:17-20)

   b. Who is described in verse 5? (John 1:3, Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:16-
       17, Hebrews 1:2)

   c. How is it possible to both keep His Elect One and give Him as a covenant
      to His people and as a Light to the Gentiles?

   d. How did Jesus accomplish the things written in verse 7 as part of His
      earthly ministry?

   e. Why is there no conflict between verse 8 and John 17:22-24?

   f. What “new things” are being declared that will cause praise to the Lord?

II. Sing to the Lord (vs. 10-13)
   a. Who is called to worship and sing to the Lord in verse 10-12 and why?
   b. What aspect of the Messiah appealed to Israel in verse 13?

   c. In the end, will any enemy be able to stand against the Lord? _


III. My Other Servant (vs. 14-25)
   a. Are verses 14-17 literal or figurative?  How does                        
      the Gospel and salvation offer understanding to what is written here?

   b. How has Israel been blind, deaf, and dull toward God?

   c. Why has God chastened and disciplined His people, Israel?

Application: What is revealed in this passage about God’s desire for the
Gentiles? Does it help you to know you were not an afterthought?


