Barnabas and Saul's New Direction:


Acts 12:25 – 13:1-12

I. The Church at Antioch
   a. What were Saul and Barnabas doing in Jerusalem?

   b. Who do they bring with them back to Antioch?

   c. The Antioch church was pretty well set up with leaders. Who is listed and
   what can we determine from their names?

   d. By what means did the church come to understand that God had a
    different ministry for Barnabas and Saul?

   e. When they knew what the Holy Spirit was directing, what does the church


II. Ministering on Cyprus (vs. 5-19)
   a. Who does Barnabas and Saul see as sending them out…the church or ???     

   b. Selucia was a seaport. Why go there?

   c. Does the passage indicate they had a clear destination in mind?

   d. In Salamis, where do they preach the Gospel?

   e. John Mark was with Barnabas and Saul. What role was he to play?

   f. What does this passage tell us about the man Bar-Jesus?

   g. How does Bar-Jesus’ (a Jew) chosen vocation mesh with Scripture?
      (Exodus 22:18, Deuteronomy 18:9-10)

   h. What can we determine about the proconsul by his name? _

   i. What did Sergius Paulus want?

   j. At this point, was there any obstacle to sharing the Gospel with the
     Gentiles? _

   k. What reasons would Bar-Jesus have for obstructing the proconsul from
      coming to the faith?

   l. What was the thing that cemented the Gospel message, and cause the
     proconsul to believe?


III. Application: Does the Holy Spirit still call out people for His service today?
     If He does, what is the only acceptable response?


