Back at Antioch:August 1, 2024


Acts 15:30-41

I. The Church Encouraged
   a. Leaving Jerusalem, where do Paul, Barnabas, and company return to?
   b. Were only select people from the church at Antioch privy to what the
    apostles and elders determined the Gentile believers were to do?

   c. What was the church’s reaction to the contents of the letter?

   d. Among the men who traveled from Jerusalem were Silas and Judas.
    What was special about these men?

   e. What is happening in verse 32… “exhorted and strengthened the brethren
    with many words?”

   f. Does everyone who traveled from Jerusalem return to Jerusalem?


II. Disagreement Over John Mark (vs. 36-39)
   a. Paul suggests a return to the places they had traveled on missionary
    Journey #1. Who does Barnabas want to take?

   b. What grounds did Paul have for not wanting to take John Mark?

   c. Was this a light disagreement? __________ How do we know?

   d. What happened as a result of this disagreement?

   e. How do we know this was not a permanent rift? (2 Timothy 4:11)

III. Paul and Silas (vs. 40-41)
   a. Did the disagreement derail the return to the mission field?

   b. Did the disagreement disrupt the church’s commitment to send ALL of
    these men to the mission field?

   c. What was the emphasis for the beginning of this second trip?


IV. Application: How is this passage an example of how disagreement in the church can occur? What are the lessons that we can learn from this?


