Acts 20:17-38
I. Paul Calls for the Elders of the Church (vs. 17-21)
a. Paul bypassed Ephesus, the place, but not the church. How does
he do this?
b. Paul wastes no time in explaining why he called for the elders. What
does he call to their remembrance first?
c. Who does Paul state he served in Ephesus?
d. Does Paul state his time there was easy?
e. To whom, and what did Paul preach and teach at Ephesus?
II. I Go Bound in the Spirit to Jerusalem…(vvs. 22-24)
a. What destination does Paul have squarely in view even as he spends
time with the elders? _______________________________________
b. What does Paul mean by the statement, “I go bound in the spirit to
c. Does Paul know what awaits him in Jerusalem?
d. How does Paul know?
e. Does this knowledge in any way deter Paul from going forward?
f. What phrase in verse 24 expresses why Paul would willingly go, even
knowing that chains and tribulations awaited him?
II. Final Exhortations (vs. 25-38)
a. Knowing that he would not see these people again, what does Paul
b. What does he challenge these elders to do?
c. Does Paul know that they also will experience hardship?
d. How do you know the genuine love they had for Paul?
IV. Application: How do we live Paul’s example? (Philippians 1:21)