Acts 14:1-7

I. A Great Multitude…Believed (vs. 1)
   a. What happened initially when Paul and Barnabas preached at the
    synagogue of Iconium?

   b. Based on the pattern set at other places visited by Paul and Barnabas,
     can we expect they were invited to speak?

   c. Why was the message so wonderfully effective at bringing people to faith?

   d. Do you think Paul viewed himself as a great preacher and teacher?
     (1 Corinthians 2:3)


II.  …Poisoned their minds…. (vs. 2-7)
   a. How long lived is this initial success?

   b. By what means did the unbelieving Jew poison the minds of the Gentiles
    and for what purpose?

   c. Does verse 3 seem odd in that the previous verse indicated that due to
    the Jews efforts, Paul and Barnabas were no longer…they
    stayed there a long time? What reason would they stay?

   d. At what point do Paul and Barnabas decide they need to leave?

   e. Fleeing Iconium under threat, where do Paul and Barnabas go and are
   they now laying low and keeping quiet?

III. Application: At what point are we allowed to just write people off that they
will never be saved, and just go looking for easier, kinder, more interested people
to witness to?

