Acts 18:1-17

I. Aquila and Pricilla (vs. 1-3)
   a. Find Corinth on a map… What can we determine about Corinth? 

   b. Who of note, does Paul find in Corinth?

   c. What does Paul have in common with Aquila and Pricilla?

   d. Why did Pricilla and Aquila leave Rome this time?

   e. What was their common trade?


II. The Jews Blaspheme (vs. 4-17)
   a. As was his custom, where and with whom does Paul reason?

   b. Were there some in the synagogue that believed Paul?

   c. Who rejoins Paul from Macedonia?

   d. In verse 5, Paul was compelled by the Spirit and testified that Jesus is the
    Christ. Do you think he probably already preached that very thing?
    What clue in verse 5, may have prompted a renewed enthusiasm? _

   e. What was the response to this renewed proclamation that Jesus is the

   f. What does Paul do regarding the actions of the Jews in Corinth?


III. Paul Preaches to the Gentiles (vs. 8-17)
   a. Paul goes to Justus and stays there. What clues tell us that Justus was not
     a Jew?

   b. Who was the current ruler of the synagogue at this time?

   c. What of note takes place in Crispus and his family’s life?

   d. As Paul increasingly preaches to Gentiles, what do the Jews increasingly

   e. Who leads the synagogue now? And what happens to him?


IV. Application: Should we focus more time on people who want to hear or
   don’t want to hear the Gospel?

