At Athens:September 5, 2024


Acts 17:16-34

I. A City Given Over to Idols (vs. 16-21)
   a. What provoked Paul’s Spirit?

   b. What did Paul do because his spirit was provoked?

   c. With whom and where did Paul reason?

   d. Who does Paul encounter that wants to hear this “new doctrine?”
   e. How do the Athenians and foreigners there spend their time?


II. At the Areopagus (vs. 22-31)
   a. How does Paul first connect with his audience before presenting the

   b. What point of connection does Paul hit on?

   c. Is Paul affirming the pantheistic world view?

   d. Does Paul water down the gospel in his presentation?

   e. What elements of the gospel does he speak on?


III. Paul Preaches the Resurrection (vs. 31-34)
   a. How do the people respond?

   b. Do all the people respond the same?

   d. Would you classify Paul’s ministry in Athens a success?


IV. Application: Do we often find our spirit provoked by the lostness of those around us?
How can Paul’s example help us to know what to do in response to provoked spirit?
How do we determine in our “ministry” has been a success?

