At Antioch in Pisidia:


Acts 13:13-41

I. If You Have Any Word of Exhortation… (vs. 13-16)
   a. Early on in their first missionary journey, what change does verse 13
   reveal? Was it significant? (Acts 15:36-37)

   b. Were Paul and Barnabas disruptive t the normal synagogue meeting?
   c. Who suggests that Paul and Barnabas share?

   d. How does Paul’s sermon reveal he knows his audience?


II. Peaching in the Synagogue (vs. 17-14)
   a. Where does Paul begin his Gospel presentation and why there?

   b. What affirming words would the audience hear in verse 17?

   c. What critical (but true) words are in verse 18?

   d. What is Paul relating in verses 17-23?

   e. How does Paul transition in verse 23?

   f. In what way does Paul connect Christ to the words of the prophets?

   g. How does Paul make the Gospel presentation personal in verse 26? 

   h. What elements of the Gospel does Paul include in his sermon?

   i. What is significant about what Paul shares in verses 33-35 & 41?

   j. What word of warning does Paul conclude his sermon with in verses 40-41

III. Application: When we have an opportunity to witness to someone and share the Gospel, why is it important to have an understanding of what they already know?


