Acts 11:19-30
I. The Gospel Spreads
a. What good thing came from the persecution even though persecution is
never good? (Rom 8:28)
b. Remembering the chronology of events, why earlier in this same chapter,
do we see Gentiles being saved? Why do we not see the Gospel being
preached to Jews only?
c. How effective was the preaching and why?
d. What purpose would Barnabas (Son of Encouragement) serve at Antioch?
e. What did Barnabas find at Antioch?
f. How does this passage portray Barnabas?
II. Barnabas Sent to Antioch (vs 25-26)
a. Why does Barnabas go to Tarsus?
b. Doesn’t vs. 24 indicate Barnabas’ ministry was a successful ministry? Why
does he not just “go it alone”?
c. Who was served by Saul (Paul) being with Barnabas at Antioch? _
III. Barnabas and Saul (Paul) (vs. 27-30)
a. What did Agabus reveal was coming? Did it?
b. How did this news affect the disciples at Antioch?
c. Why do you think they determined t send relief to the brethren living in
IV. Application: This passage shows Barnabas deciding to include Saul in his
ministry at Antioch. Are we more effective with a partner/partners in ministry?
______________________ Is there a Biblical precedent for working together?