An Uproar in Ephesus:


Acts 19:21-41

I. Paul’s Time in Ephesus Nears an End (vs. 21-22)
   a. What does the phrase “when these things were accomplished” refer

   b. The transition in verse 21 is “Paul Purposed in the Spirit…” What
    can we determine from this phrase?

   c. His purpose included returning back through Macedonia and Achaia.
    What would Paul be doing as he passed through these regions?

   d. Ultimately, Who was responsible for Paul’s destination being

   e. Where else does Paul desire to see?

   f. Paul sent Timothy and Erastus into Macedonia (the very place where
     he would follow). What purpose may they have been serving?


II. Spiritual Awakening Causes Some Issues (vs. 23-32)
   a. What is “the Way” described in verse 23?

   b. What was Demetrius’ main problem with “the Way” and the Gospel
    message that was truly taking root in Asia?

   c. What was Demetrius and the other craftsmen’s solution to their loss of

   d. How does 1 Corinthians 14:33 help us determine who was the author
     of this confusion?

   e. Why would the disciples (and some of the officials) not allow Paul to
     go in to the people?


III. Reason Prevails (vs. 33-41)
   a. Why couldn’t Alexander quiet the crowd?

   b. Who was able to quiet the crowd and how?

   c. What “reasonable” argument deferred bloodshed and a Roman inquiry?


IV. Application: Do we always recognize what the Spirit is prompting us to
do, and all it will entail? If we knew all the details ahead of time, would we be as quick to obey?

