Thank you for visiting our website! Please take look around for information on our church beliefs, services, staff, and events. If you are not able to be physically present or you are curious about the morning service structure and worship experience, you can view our Worship services on our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/@fairviewloopbaptistchurch8521/streams. We would love have you visit us in person for a service, we are a loving, caring church family and will welcome you with open arms.
Watch Live on Youtube
Please join us live online, Sunday morning at 10:30 AM! Click the picture to go to our Youtube streaming page. If you missed a week, catch up on what you missed by watching the saved services.
Regular Schedule
Sunday Mornings:
9:00 AM Sunday School for all ages
10:30 AM Worship Service (Nursery provided
for kids under 4)
6:00 PM Evening Service
Wednesday Evenings:
6:00 PM Adult Bible Study and Prayer
Youth and Kid's Mission Groups for
all ages
Thursdays at Noon:
Men's Soup and Bible Study
Saturdays at 6 PM:
Young Adult Study and Fellowship
We have a potluck/fellowship meal on the first Sunday of each month. There are no evening services on Sundays with a potluck meal.
10:00 AM
Ladies of the church get together for fellowship and craft time. You don't have to be crafty to attend. Come enjoy the fellowship. Contact the office for more information.
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening. All ladies invited to attend.
6:00 PM
Young Adult Bible Study meets on Saturdays at 6pm. It is for anyone 18-29ish. Contact Reuben Hughes for more information.
10:30 AM
Meets at Cindi S's home. Please contact Cindi or the office for more information.
6:00 PM
Young Adult Bible Study meets on Saturdays at 6pm. It is for anyone 18-29ish. Contact Reuben Hughes for more information.
10:00 AM
Ladies of the church get together for fellowship and craft time. You don't have to be crafty to attend. Come enjoy the fellowship. Contact the office for more information.